
Course of Study

Our school's general education curriculum is based on the district's Course of Study, K-12. In addition to meeting a legal requirement, the Course of Study provides information about the district's educational programs and approved instructional materials. It also outlines state and district requirements, district cross-curricular programs, special education programs, student assessment and more.


School and district policies require homework and outside reading on a regular basis. Each teacher has a homework policy that meets these requirements. Your child will bring home a copy of the policy for his or her classroom during the first few weeks of school.

Signature Instructional Practices

Teacher Collaboration

A core value held by the E.B. Scripps learning community is that of the importance of collaboration to best focus our efforts on the instructional needs of the children. A huge body of research has shown the benefits of teacher collaboration, including lower turnover rates, greater teacher retention rates, increased teacher job satisfaction and improved student achievement.

Grade Level Departmentalization

Students in the upper elementary grades (in this case, grades 4 and 5) are exposed to academic rigor that demands more thinking, time and effort. Because class sizes in the upper grades are larger, it is more difficult for teachers to provide immediate feedback, support and enrichment during the instructional day. Students are expected to conduct research, work collaboratively with classmates and reach proficiency on the California Standards Test.

Each year, teachers at all grade levels construct SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals that are designed to target specific instructional needs in the areas of English language arts, mathematics and science. This becomes a plan of action that drives teaching and learning for the year.

Finally, this practice addresses the need to build a bridge between the elementary and secondary levels. We believe it is important to prepare our students for the academic and social demands that will be placed on them when they enter middle school.

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